Publications (original)

My book Buddhists, Shamans and Soviets: Rituals of History in Post-Soviet Buryatia uses Bakhtin’s idea of the chronotope to examine how historical narratives and national identities are negotiated and reframed through rituals among the residents of Ulan-Ude.

A video of my 2018 Robert F. Schumann Environmental Studies Symposium Where on Earth are We Going? lecture Is Animism Good to Think With? is available here.

Photos from my fieldwork can be seen here:

with Tam T. T. Ngo, Atheist Secularism and its Discontents: A Comparative Study of Religion and Communism in Eurasia.

To hear more about this volume, you can listen to a podcast interview on the New Books Network.

Curriculum Vitae


2015 Performing “culture”: diverse audiences at the International Shaman’s Conference and Tailgan on Ol’khon Island, co-authored with Eric Stephen, etudes mongoles et siberiennes, centrasiatiques & tibetaines, issue 46

2015 “Finding “Their Own”: Revitalizing Buryat Culture through Shamanic Practices in Ulan-Ude”, co-authored with Kathryn Graber and Eric Stephen, Problems of Post-Communism 62:258-272

2012    Soviet Science and Post-Soviet Faith: Etigelov’s Imperishable Body. American Ethnologist 39:1:138-154

2011 “Symptoms as Signs in Buriat Shamanic Callings” in The Healing Landscapes of Central and Southeastern Siberia. David Anderson, ed. Occasional Publication No. 71; Patterns of Northern Traditional Healing Series No. 1 Edmonton, Alberta: Canadian Circumpolar Institute (CCI) Press in cooperation with the Centre for the Cross-Cultural Study of Health and Healing, University of Alberta pp.13 – 27

2008 “What If We Don’t Know Our Clan? The City Tailgan as New Ritual Form in Buriatiia” Siberica, Vol. 7:1 Spring 2008